Plexus Slim

Tuesday, November 21, 2017

Let Us Be Kind...

It's that time of the year again.  The time of year when everyone feels things a bit sharper than they may normally feel them; both good and bad.  Take the time to filter your thoughts, opinions, and most certainly your tongue.  None of us truly know what others have been or are going through.  We only see what they allow us to see; and, human nature is to cover up our struggles and shortfalls.  We have no way of knowing what someone is going through in their life, but we can all take the extra step to be kind.

The golden rule is still a good rule to live by..."Do unto others as you would have them do unto you". I would add to it..."and remember, you can not build yourself up by tearing others down."  This time of year, I see where we all, myself included, need a reminder about this.  Take for example, what you or others post in social media.  I see a lot of judgment being posted.  Things about Black Friday shopping, clean homes, gifts, etc.  Why does anyone feel it necessary to post something about how they keep a spotless home and don't understand how others can't?  Or, posts about people needing to get their priorities in order if they look forward to Black Friday shopping more than they do Thanksgiving itself.  My personal favorites are the posts about how sinful it is to "over-indulge" those you love with Christmas gifts, especially store bought ones; or the reverse of that, how you have it all together because you don't buy into the materialistic side of the holiday season.  There are plenty more examples I could list off, but you get my drift.  My point is: you have no idea of what others are dealing with, be it at that moment or throughout their lives, therefore, you have no business making such black and white assumptions about things and thinking you're way is the right way.

We all filter things through our own lens and that can cause problems for everyone involved.   How about we all make the choice to give others the benefit of the doubt before we become offended and strike back at them?  Take our blinders off and try to see things from a panoramic view rather than tunnel vision.  You don't like Black Friday shopping because you see it as the picture of greed and over-indulgence.  That may not be the case for others though.  They may love it because it's an annual family tradition, and it's a way that they can stretch their budget a long way on things they need or gifts they want to give.  They, as a family, may save a little bit of money back from each paycheck over the year so they can enjoy a crazy night and day of shopping and eating in the food court at 2AM.... and have fun memories to share over the next year.  You manage to keep a spotless home even though you're busy and have kids still living at home, while juggling all your work and family responsibilities on a daily basis?  That's AWESOME and we all applaud you for that.  But don't post about it in the light of "there's no reason everyone can't as well" because you have no way of knowing if that's the case or not; and by doing so you most likely just added more weight on an already over-burdened spirit, who's flame is about to go out.  Instead, why not find ways to extend help to others, whether you know they are struggling or not.  You don't want to buy a bunch of "plastic junk from China" to clog up our landfills?  Totally fine and understandable, but don't belittle someone who chooses to shop for the gift they want to bless you or someone else with because you feel you're more enlightened than they are.

GRATITUDE.  GRACE.  RESPECT.  HUMILITY.  LOVE.  Where have these traits gone as social media has taken over our society?  We all post things, and now actually say things, that we never would have 10 years ago, because we have become use to the protection of a computer/phone screen. We all need to remember though, there are very real people with very real hearts on the other side of our screens.  They feel the sting of your words, and they filter them through their own lens; and, sadly, many times it's filtered through as "you've failed yet again".  I challenge us all to actively choose kindness.  Gentle our spirits and attitudes.  Quiet our words.  Find JOY and share it with others.  Stop looking for ways we are offended and start looking for ways we can be a blessing in the lives of those we touch on a daily basis.... be it online or in person.  #KindnessChallenge

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