Plexus Slim

Monday, May 15, 2017

Mother's Day and Final Good-Byes...

Last week was a blur.  We've never TOTALED a vehicle before, and were consumed with the details of it all, especially since we are working with the other driver's insurance company.  It's all been good, just beyond our normal busyness and chaos.  On Friday, we went to the tow yard to swap tires out on Lucy and say our final goodbyes.  I cried for the first time since the accident.  Seeing her sit there like that just did me in.  She was such a great truck and our family had wonderful times driving all across the country in her.  She never let us down.  She didn't let me down last week either, when I ended up in a head on collision at 55mph.  Between Lucy and my guardian angel, I walked away.

Can you believe it???  That grill survived without any damage (maybe a couple of scratches from the gravel).  I'm still amazed at that when you see the front of Lucy.

We enjoyed a "free" rental for the weekend, since Lucy is no more.  Gracie, being the Ford fanatic that she is, was in Heaven as we had an new Expedition to take us around to look at new sequoias along with a graduation party out west.  Pretty fun, and we felt a bit like secret service since it was black;)

As I mentioned, we went out west on Saturday afternoon.  We spent the morning taking care of all the animals; making sure they had plenty of food and water for the day, along with lots of love before we left.  I noticed that our little geriatric gerbil, Daisy, was still weak from another stroke a couple days earlier.  She'd had one, we realized in hindsight, a few weeks back, which we thought we were losing her from but after a few days she popped right back to her normal, sweet self.  Saturday morning as I was caring for her, I saw that she was still struggling to open her eyes all the way and that while she was able to get around just fine, she was clearly still weak.  I gave her LOTS of love; told her how beautiful she was and how much we love her.  I gave her extra treats, which she came right away to investigate.  That night, when we got home, we saw that she'd passed away while we were gone.  Daisy was a bit over 4 years old (twice as old as gerbils normally live).  Her sister, Daffodil passed away just over 2 years ago.  She was such a sweet little thing.  She knew her name and loved it when we sang the old song "bicycle built for two" to her.  She would sit right up and listen with her little head cocked to the side.  She also loved to rearrange her cage....I seriously will never know how she always managed to move her ceramic mushroom house all on her own, but she did :)  We already miss her greatly!
Sweet Daisy... Gracie had posted pictures of her awhile ago on her musically :)

Our sweet boy, Brody James, isn't doing very well either.  He's a golden retriever/border collie/great pyr mix.... a gorgeous and very special boy.  We've had him since he was 7 weeks old and he's now 9 1/2 years old.  We are pretty certain that (per the vet's observation and dx without imaging and testing) that he most likely has cancer, however, at his age we've opted to not put him thru a lot of hard testing and treatment, rather to allow him to enjoy his last weeks/months surrounded by lots of love and being spoiled.  He's not suffering, just aged really fast because of this, and is just really slowed down and very snuggly.  He's enjoying time with his sister, Felicity, and brother Max, along with lots of time with all of us each day.  He gets everything he wants, I cook hamburger or chicken for him rather than dry kibble (we water down his special kibble so that it's mushy and add meat to it so he will actually eat it).  We know that he will let us know when it's time to help him cross the rainbow bridge and we will do everything he needs us to do for him until that time.  Our hearts are heavy with thinking about losing him, but we are not letting that steal our joy in the time he has left.

Mother's Day was WONDERFUL!  Surrounded by my girls:)  We enjoyed taking GramCracker out for a coffee date, then Craig and the girls took me to a late lunch/early dinner at Texas Roadhouse.  Having all my girls together, listening to them laugh, realizing how close they are even though they bicker incessantly, and knowing they love me unconditionally and more importantly they know they are loved unconditionally by Craig and I, means everything to me.  Craig gifted me with a drawing and a promise, telling me not to give up our dream.  Gracie gave me a picture to frame of her and Wendy Loo to frame (a gorgeous black and white picture that Emily Anne, our very dear friend who is extremely talented with her camera, took recently).  And Craig and the girls gave me a My Pillow, hoping to help me sleep better - which I have to say was amazing last night!.  Sarah ordered something for me that is suppose to be here this week, so I still have a surprise coming :)  All in all, it was a wonderful Mother's Day :)

Here's hoping that as we head into the end of our school year and the beginning of summer, things settle down a bit around here.  Time just seems to be going by a bit too fast right now and I'd like a chance to catch up ;)

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