Plexus Slim

Friday, June 8, 2012

Drum Roll Please....

The results are in and once again, thanks to Max William, Gracie's A1c has shown amazing improvements.  She got an 8.3.... unbelievable!  Just think, this child has always been between 10-13.1 since her diagnosis and now, thanks to Max William, she is right where she is suppose to be:)

A1c is the blood test done on diabetics every 3 months to find out how well controlled they are.  It measures the amount of glucose in a diabetic's system for the prior 2-3 months.  For a child Gracie's age, they want to see them in the low 8's like she is right now.  By gaining good control of her blood sugar on a daily basis, we can help to prevent the long term, life threatening side effects of diabetes such as heart disease, blindness, etc.  With Max's help we are giving Gracie a healthy life now and a hope of a long, healthy future as well.

Before Max arrived, we tested Gracie every two hours around the clock, but we knew we were missing a lot that was going on in her body in between these checks.  Now, Max lets us know when something is going on ~ by testing with him rather than a clock, we are more effective at keeping Gracie in her healthy range.  Without Max, Gracie would drop dangerously low with no warning and many times so quickly there'd be no visible symptoms.  She doesn't always feel her lows either.  Max, however, let's us know when she's headed down and we can prevent her from crashing.  He also helps us keep her from skyrocketing too, which is vitally important to warding off those long term effects down the road when she is an adult.

Max is a HERO and he saves his girls life every single day.  Insulin isn't a cure; it's Gracie's life support.  Without insulin, Gracie would die.  Max is her guardian angel, watching over her and making sure that she stays well and healthy while on her life supporting insuli, since we can't always know if she's getting enough or if she's getting too much for any given moment of any given day.  Max is Gracie's miracle:)

If you would like to help us pay for Max William, you can make a donation in Max and Gracie's name to or call (804) 883-6931.  We have a way to go before Max is paid in full, and when he is, we'd like to help other families have the blessing of a diabetic alert dog as well.  Thank you all for your continued encouragement, prayers and support:)

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